USS Midway Leadership Experience

An Experiential Leadership Boot Camp


Embark on a 3-day leadership skills development program that combines Academy Leadership's proven, highly engaging leadership training program with examples of leadership through the eyes of true American heroes. With more than 30 restored aircraft and nearly 10 acres of exhibits and displays, the USS Midway Museum brings you the most complete cross-section of carrier aviation in the world. From high up on the bridge down to the main engine room, the museum will take you on a unique warship journey that engages the sights, sounds, and aromas of this symbol of American freedom. Consider the leadership necessary to command the largest ship in the world, a floating city-fortress, with its 4,500 crew members, into some of the world's most hostile environments. Each day will cover crucial leadership topics, and we will discuss on tour how those principles were exemplified in the lives of some truly great American heroes. Thirty days of post-course coaching and 36 PDUs from the Project Management Institute make this an opportunity that should not be missed. Team discounts are available.

Register for one of our scheduled open-enrollment options, or schedule this private event for your team of ten or more.

Program Details

Each day begins in the ship's meeting room below deck where we discuss practical leadership principles proven in military and corporate settings. Throughout each day we will take the learning on tour around the ship as we examine the leadership challenges faced by the various leadership roles on board this mighty floating city, led by the Navy leaders who were there. We use those exhibits and discussions as case studies, as we consider our own leadership roles and responsibilities.

Leadership Boot Camp topics include:

  • Leadership Style & Energy
  • Goal Setting
  • Personal Leadership Philosophy
  • Communicating as a Leader
  • Motivation
  • Leveraging the Power of Conflict
  • Managing a Leader's Time
  • Leading Productive Meetings
  • The Leader as Coach

During the course, you'll prepare your first draft of your own Personal Leadership Philosophy. Then, prior to completion of the course on the final day, you will have a chance to prepare your personal 90-Day Action Plan, where you'll turn leadership lessons into true courses of action.

About the USS Midway

The USS Midway was the longest-serving aircraft carrier in the 20th century. Named after the climactic Battle of Midway of June 1942, Midway was built in only 17 months but missed World War II by one week when commissioned on Sept. 10, 1945. Midway was the first in a three-ship class of large carriers that featured an armored flight deck and a powerful air group of 120 planes.

From the beginning of its service, the Midway played key roles in the Cold War. In 1946, it became the first American carrier to operate in the midwinter sub-Arctic, developing new flight deck procedures. The following year, Midway became the only ship to launch a captured German V-2 rocket. The trial's success became the dawn of naval missile warfare. Just two years after that, Midway sent a large patrol plane aloft to demonstrate that a carrier could deliver atomic bombs.

Midway served with the Atlantic Fleet for ten years, making seven deployments to European waters, patrolling “the soft underbelly” of NATO. A round-the-world cruise took Midway to the West Coast in 1955, where it was rebuilt with an angled deck to improve jet operations.

Midway's first combat deployment came in 1965 when it flew strikes against North Vietnam. Midway aircraft shot down three MiGs, including the first air kill of the war. However, 17 Midway aircraft were lost to enemy fire during this cruise. In 1966, Midway was decommissioned for a four-year overhaul.

Over a chaotic two-day period during the fall of Saigon in April 1975, Midway was a floating base for large Air Force helicopters that evacuated more than 3,000 desperate refugees during Operation Frequent Wind.

As potential threats to the Arabian oil supply grew, and to relieve strain on U.S.-based carriers, Midway transferred to Yokosuka, Japan, making it the first American carrier homeported in a foreign country.

In 1990, Midway deployed to the Persian Gulf in response to the Iraqi seizure of Kuwait. In the ensuing Operation Desert Storm, Midway served as the flagship for naval air forces in the Gulf and launched more than 3,000 combat missions with no losses. Its final mission was the evacuation of civilian personnel from Clark Air Force Base in the Philippines after the 20th century's largest volcano eruption of nearby Mount Pinatubo.

On April 11, 1992, the Midway was decommissioned in San Diego and remained in the inactive ship fleet in Bremerton, Washington, until 2003, when it was donated to the 501(c)3 nonprofit San Diego Aircraft Carrier Museum organization. It opened as the USS Midway Museum in June 2004.

Cancellation Policy

Before a program begins, we incur substantial administrative costs related to your registration. Therefore, the following fees apply:

Transfers and Substitutions

  • Transfers or Substitutions requested more than 30 days prior to the program start date are subject to a $200 processing fee.
  • Transfers or Substitutions requested 15 - 30 days prior to the program start date will be subject to a fee of 25% of the tuition.
  • Transfers or Substitutions requested less than 15 days prior to the program start date will be subject to a fee of 50% of the tuition.

Tuition will become 100% non-refundable if a participant transfers more than 2 times or does not attend another program within 6 months of the original program start date.


  • Cancellations requested more than 30 days prior to the program will be refunded less the cost of materials received and assessments taken.
  • Cancellations requested 15 - 30 days prior to the program's start date will be subject to a fee of 50% of the tuition.
  • Cancellations requested less than 15 days prior to the program start date will be subject to a fee of 100% of the tuition.

Course Credits

In addition to 36 PDUs from the Project Management Institute, attendees of our Leadership Excellence Course are eligible for 30 PDCs from the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM).