Leadership Boot Camp & Performance Coaching
Graduate Reviews
Leadership Boot Camp
"I found Academy Leadership helps leaders really think about what they believe in. It also makes your expectations crystal clear to subordinates. People want leaders they can predict. They want to know, up front, what's valued and what's not. That's what the personal leadership philosophy does for you."
Robert McDonald, CEO, Procter & Gamble
"Leadership Boot Camp is a fantastic opportunity to take a step back from daily challenges and spend some time getting to know yourself better. It provides you with information and tools to be a better leader. If you put a lot of energy into it, you will get invaluable results out of it."
Linda Yavoich, NASA Glenn Research Center
"Very powerful. Allows you to see and improve leadership qualities based on your own personal style, expectations and needs."
David Britton, Staples, Inc.
"I give Academy Leadership my highest recommendation. The program offered a no nonsense approach to leadership training and presented the material in easy to absorb format. The emphasis on practical application is already paying dividends. My team has never been as focused on the leadership fundamentals."
COO, financial services company
"The Academy Leadership program was truly exceptional. Not only were we quickly motivated to focus on critical leadership skills, we were also introduced to applications that will provide immediate impact on our working together."
Hugh Hortsman, Southwest Airlines Pilots Association
"Our people demonstrate awareness of their roles as leaders on a daily basis. They are more focused on setting and achieving goals, more structured and organized in managing their time and that of others, and more aware of their responsibility in achieving corporate results."
Timothy Lehmann, Applied Card Systems
"Communication throughout the organization has improved greatly. Individuals at all levels are aware of the need to clearly state expectations, to solicit and respond to feedback, to establish deadlines that are reasonable, and to report results regularly."
Edward McKenna, Cross Country Bank
"I've always considered myself a leader but never knew how much I didn't know! I was fortunate to spend three days with some very interesting people who wanted to learn about leadership, and learned so much from each one. It was a great experience for me!"
Marybeth Avioli, Villanova University
"If you have not had leadership training, it outlines what you need to do to be a successful leader. If you have had leadership training, it drives you to understand and refocus yourself."
Warren Brower, Cessna Aircraft Company
"This program helps leaders not only improve their leadership skills and leadership effectiveness, but also helps leaders understand who they are and the direction of where they're going."
Cruz Gonzalez, National Western Life Insurance Co.
"Very thorough, well-planned, energetic, and empowering. The program makes you feel as if you can be a leader. I also realized that I was already a leader and I now have the tools to become a better one."
Brent Luers, National Fire Protection, LLC
"The program is very exciting and I like the class interaction with my fellow students. I found out a lot of things about myself that I did not know and I really feel I gained some very good knowledge from this course."
Ivan Francis, Atlantic Detroit Diesel — Allison
"Whatever your dream, vision, or purpose, it helps you articulate it and develop a plan to achieve it."
Betsy Wheat, Innovative Practice Management
"A valuable tool to transform your organization from malfunction to function. Specific strategy based on proven methods to reap real measurable results. FUN!
Pandora Rupert
"Unlike any other program or class. There are many books and classes that deal with management, but not leadership. The material presented was new and exciting. If the principles are put to use, success will follow."
Jeff Haughey, ConTech Construction
"This is an intense look at leadership principles. It provided a greater understanding of self, as well as real world methods to operate better."
Bonnie Penner, Florida Virtual School
"An extremely intense leadership program that teaches you through role playing, reading, and real-life examples of the skill sets and attributes of an effective leader."
Julie Kleffel, BankFIRST
"Extremely insightful and energizing. Fast paced and eye opening. Excellent sets of tools, especially by having the reading material included in an audio CD."
Darren Joyner, Assurant, Inc.
"It helps you evaluate yourself and your capacity as a leader and provides you with tools to improve your leadership, coaching, time management, and productivity."
RADM Richard Buchanan, USN (Ret.), U.S. Navy Memorial
If you are looking to come away with a high level of comprehension of why certain things are and are not working for you and you want to bring concrete skills back home that can be utilized immediately, this is the course for you. You must be ready to commit.
Kathleen Guith, Federal Election Commission
It's a marvelous experience that makes you grow and allows you to understand your direct personnel in ways they might not even know themselves. As for you, be prepared to look into the mirror.
Adrian Molina, St. Marys Carbon de Mexico
Intensive action oriented program where participants should be ready to grow. This program is practical and can be applied to any organization.
Julie Ehlers, Patton Boggs, LLP
The program provided insights about me, my skills and areas in which I want to grow. It included an appropriate combination of discussion, reading, homework and exercises. The exercises were meaningful and added value. The program is a good value for what I am taking away with me. I would highly recommend it!
Christine Ulrich, University of Delaware