Lead2Succeed™ Leadership Development Program


The Lead2Succeed™ Leadership Development Program is a 12-18 week course conducted for a few hours each session. The process requires close coordination between Academy Leadership, your executive management team and your training staff.

Each Leadership Development program is completely customized to suit the needs of your organization. The program is held at your location or a location of your choosing. Typical group size ranges from 8 to 15 participants. We have found that keeping the group size small ensures that all participants get the most out of each session.


The key steps of the Lead2Succeed Process™ are:

  1. Strategic Business Performance Assessment — Quickly pinpoints your organization's capabilities and constraints and evaluates overall alignment and readiness. It identifies the organization's best opportunities for improvement and success.

  2. Energize2Lead™ Profile — Identifies multi-dimensional characteristics of individual leaders and assesses the relationship within group dynamics that maximizes the positive energy needed for effective communication

  3. Application & Action Sessions — These sessions are focused on applying the selected leadership skills to accomplishing the organization's most important goals. The training is done in small groups of eight to twelve managers. They attend bi-weekly sessions which are the heart of the Lead2Succeed™ program. All sessions are multi-sensory, requiring reading, listening, writing and discussion. After each session participants practice applying the skill in the work place and report back to the group on what worked and what did not. This sharing of experiences provides a multiplication of the learning experience and creates a common leadership language so leaders at each level can coach and mentor others in the program.

  4. Measuring Results — Our program is designed to achieve results based on your company's specific goals. Together we will develop measurement criteria and an evaluation plan.

Focus Areas

  • Accountability
  • Advanced Leadership Communications
  • Aligning and Accomplishing Goals
  • Building High Performance Teams
  • Building Trust
  • Building Teams & Trust
  • Coaching to Develop People
  • Communicating the Vision
  • Core Values Alignment
  • Creating a Motivational Climate
  • Delegation
  • Developing Your People
  • Effective Decision Making
  • Ethics
  • Feedback
  • Leadership Philosophy
  • Leading Change
  • Leveraging the Power of Conflict
  • Meeting Management
  • Setting Leadership Priorities