Leadership Excellence Course & Executive Coaching
A Powerful, Game-Changing Leadership Course and Coaching Program for Experienced Managers
Prior to attending Leadership Excellence & Executive Coaching Course, you will receive a copy of The Leader's Compass, 3rd Edition and will be required to complete a first draft of your Leadership Philosophy (Leader's Compass). Please allow 3-4 hours for completion of all required pre-work.
Day 1
The Leader's Journal
Managing A Leader's Style and Energy
- Energize2lead Profile™ results will be discussed to identify key management issues based on identified differences in styles and expectations.
- The Energize2Lead Profile™ Assessment identifies what types of activities energize a leader.
- Understand the differences and how to apply the three dimensions of the assessment report.
- Learn the importance of how 75% of those we work with communicate in a different frame of reference.
- Understand how to build trust with others and what our instinctive needs are in order to be motivated.
- Be able to identify the strengths and blindsides of others around us.
- Learn how to use team dynamics to make your people more effective.
Aligning and Accomplishing Goals
- Learn how to apply the SMART formula for setting, aligning and accomplishing goals.
- Understand the value of making your team a part of the goal planning process.
- Understand why goals provide direction and define priorities.
- Learn the importance of clarifying roles and responsibilities.
- How to communicate and measure results.
Your Personal Leader's Compass
- Be able to distinguish the difference between leadership and management.
- Learn the importance of defining leadership.
- Understand and learn the ten most important leadership principles.
- Learn and use expectations of leaders.
- Understand the four basic leadership styles.
- Write and publish your personal leadership philosophy.
Allow 1-2 hours to complete the required readings and exercises from Day 1.
Day 2
Feedback: The Essential Communication Connection
- Learn the systems approach to communication.
- Have a clear understanding of the main causes of communication failures.
- Learn techniques to avoid incomplete feedback.
- Know the three triggers that block feedback.
- Understand the importance of active listening and the brief-back technique.
- Learn effective coaching feedback guidelines.
- Understand how to solicit and give feedback using the Johari Window.
Creating a Motivational Climate
- Understand why motivation is the key to success.
- Review the theory and how to apply Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory, and the Four Emotional Drives.
- Learn why goal setting is essential to creating a motivational climate.
- Learn how to create a positive leadership climate.
- Understand cross-generational motivational needs.
Leveraging the Power of Conflict
- Understand how conflict can be managed and used for continuous leadership improvement.
- Learn about five starting strategies in managing stress and conflict.
- How to establish a win-win environment.
- Learn six ways to prevent a conflict from recurring.
Allow 1-2 hours to complete the required readings and exercises from Day 2.
Day 3
Setting Leadership Priorities
- Learn what your time is really worth.
- Understand how to manage your time more effectively.
- Learn the seven steps for maximizing time use.
- Identify and effectively use high-payoff activities.
- Learn how to prioritize your tasks with proactive planning.
Accountability: Building a Culture of Responsibility
- Understand why the number one issue in business today is the lack of accountability.
- Understand that accountability is a core foundation for achieving leadership effectiveness and excellence in execution performance.
- Learn that maintaining a culture of accountability on a team begins with the leaders setting the example by keeping promises and commitments.
- Understand how shifting from assigning blame to resolving to fix issues collectively is the first step in accountability.
- Understand how creating an environment that constructively deals with mistakes and conflict head on is critical to creating a culture of accountability.
- Learn the principles for developing a culture of accountability in yourself and your organization.
Coaching to Develop People
- Learn the nine characteristics of effective coaches.
- Be able to demonstrate the key behaviors for great coaching.
- Learn how to conduct effective performance coaching.
- Understand the differences between coaching and mentoring.
- Learn the guidelines for gaining productive feedback during coaching.
Post-event Follow-up
- Executive Coaching